Wednesday, April 05, 2006

time, childhood and other things that make you sad

Is it just me or the time is really flowing too fast? I can't believe we are at the fifth month of the year already. The time is much faster when you have work to do, and I do have some I can tell you :)
I miss my childhood so much... Those were the days when you didn't have to do anything but be yourself, be a child that is. You didn't have to pretend you like something everyday or do something you don't like. It is such a pity that children wish to grow up and adults wish they were children like the good old days...

I'm becoming such a melancholic these days. Must be because of spring or something...


Anonymous said...

bir sorum olabilir mi acaba? (:

neden ingilizce? insan kendisini en iyi yine kendi dilinde ifade etmez mi?(veya ben mi öyle sanıyorum)yani kendimi iyi ifade etme gibi bir derdim yok derseniz anlarım.ama merak ettim işte...

tayfun said...

selamlar :)

himm, nedenini bilmiyorum aslinda. belki sadece daha fazla insana ulasma istegi. hani turkiye'de ulasabilecegim insan sayisini azaltiyorum ama yine de...

biraz gec bir cevap oldu ama boyle.

bir de sanirim bundan sonra turkce yazacagim. eger tembelligimden kurtulabilirsem.